Happy Wednesday!
With everything going on in the world around us, we want to remind you that The Revury is here for you! We know that social distancing and self-quarantining may mean that you are juggling homeschooling the kiddos, keeping them occupied, working from home, preparing meals, and keeping everyone positive. We have something for you and the kids, introducing our downloadable Paper Doll Template!
All you have to do is download, print, then play! Find the template by clicking the hyperlinked "download" or visit the Community page on our website!
We know times like these can be scary, confusing, and uncertain but if we all remain positive and light-hearted, we will get through this!
We want to make your self-quarantine as enjoyable as we can, which is why we have created a new collection called "Quarantine Casual!" We have paired our favorite items to create the cutest outfits that you can wear lounging at home or running those necessary errands. We think it's important that we still look and feel our best during this time to keep up with our usual daily routine. Who says quarantine can't be cute?
We hope you're all staying safe and healthy, happy shopping!